Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In Conclusion

Overall, I thought that this course was very interesting. I liked how we examined the different movements within Judaism and looked at history while focusing also on the contemporary and cultural aspects of Judaism and Israel. I found that this class was very appropriate for me and where I am in my life and how I am still figuring out what identity really means. What I took the most away from this course is that it really just isn't that simple. There are ways to argue for or against a side at almost any given side and over the course I think we pushed the boundaries to find deeper meaning for identity. I also learned a lot about Judaism that I did not know, and this class opened my eyes to a lot of things that happen amongst Jewish communities here, and in Israel. I also learned a lot about critically reading a website and what that can say about an organization.
The class did a very good job at looking at Judaism unbiasedly so that we could come out with valuable points that pertained to identity. It also made me want to investigate my Jewish identity further on my own and get more involved with Judaism around campus. Now I feel like I have the tools to find things that interest me and can relate too. This was also my first time writing on a blog which I enjoyed and would consider doing again even for a different subject! It is a good way just to express yourself and look at things that you want too, not because someone is forcing you too but because you can genuinely interact with it and take out whatever hits home the most for you! Thats why the topics that were more modern and exciting like music and theater and other ones about young Jewish adults like Birthright and Zionism were my favorite course topics.
Thanks for a wonderful semester, have a great summer!

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