Monday, May 2, 2011

Breaking News: bin Laden found dead

On there is an article in response to the big news released last night that Osama bin Laden has been found dead. Now, Israel Right fears that they might have to pay the price. According to this article, the state has already been warned that they could be a target for Islamic fundamentalist groups who are seeking revenge after his death. They are suggesting, that the US president Barack Obama fake an assassination as an excuse to pressure Israel. The National Union MK Aryeh Eldad is concerned that Obama is going to try and satisfy the Muslims at Israels expense. Because of this, people are claiming that Obama is a bigger threat to Israel then Osama was since Osama bin Laden was never a direct threat or an inspiration for their other enemies. Elad believes that if Obama staged an assassination, his political support and popularity would increase temporarily. People that are on the Israeli Right who do not usually support Obama are praising him with the high hopes that he will help them in the anticipated event of attack. Although not all of Israel is pro-Obama or anti-Obama, there seems to be the common agreement that Obama can be tolerated by even his hardest critics if he is pro active and targets people like bin Laden. Lastly, the article covers things that are happening in the US that could effect Israel. Israel has learned that fighting terror is something that is a daily struggle, not one bad day of war. Israel is suggesting that the president look more at the terrorists who are threats to both the US and Israel. Instead, in their opinion he is trying to implement a plan of peace with the Middle East which is unrealistic and a waste of useful time.

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